Stitz Litigation has helped Ontario employers respond to concerns over employee absenteeism, fight frivolous human rights complaints, address requests from employees for accommodation of disabilities in the workplace and develop policies and procedures to ensure compliance with human rights legislation such as the Ontario Human Rights Code and Canadian Human Rights Act.
The Human Rights Code protects against discrimination in such areas as:
Ancestry, colour, race
Ethnic origin
Place of origin
Family status
Marital status
Gender identity, gender expression
Record of offences
Sex (including pregnancy and breastfeeding)
Sexual orientation.
Employers must be vigilant that they treat employees fairly and that they respond to allegations of discrimination, harassment and accommodation of disabilities in a serious manner. Policies, procedures and a proper response are required. Stitz Litigation helps employers navigate workplace human rights, discrimination and accommodation issues.
Do you have an employee seeking accommodation as a result of a disability?
Has an employee alleged discrimination or harassment in the workplace?
Has an employee gone on a leave of absence and you are seeking an appropriate response to manage your workforce, but also wish to avoid discrimination allegations? Call Stitz Litigation, a top employment law firm representing employers in Ontario.